Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (2024)

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (2)

  • Sep 4, 2023
  • #81

Why would it matter if it is her running the account or not in the first place if it is already confirmed she is a dog f*cker? That's is a really f*cking stupid thing to get hung up on. It's probably her but who cares, the point is she is a dog f*cker not whether or not one of the accounts is hers.



  • Dec 13, 2023
  • #82

I was about to criticize her for wanting to convert to Islam because christians don't let her f*ck dogs, but to my surprise there is absolutely no laws in the Quran about bestial*ty.

Essentially, she can technically be a sinless Muslim while f*cking dogs, the only limitation are laws of a country.



Local Moderator

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (5) Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (6)

  • Dec 13, 2023
  • #83

Vibe_Lad said:

I was about to criticize her for wanting to convert to Islam because christians don't let her f*ck dogs, but to my surprise there is absolutely no laws in the Quran about bestial*ty.

Essentially, she can technically be a sinless Muslim while f*cking dogs, the only limitation are laws of a country.

Muhammad had five female horses that were his pride and joy. However, most horse breeders even in his time put emphasis on the males instead of the females....really gets your noggin joggin.

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (8)

  • Dec 13, 2023
  • #84

Now that's just f*cking hilarious.



Local Moderator

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (10) Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (11)

  • Dec 13, 2023
  • #85

Crimson f*cker said:

Now that's just f*cking hilarious.

He treated those damn horses better than the majority of his wives.
So yeah, bestial*ty might be a Muslim thing.

Stop Socking Gaylord

So bright, you can see me from space

SpergCage Resident

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (13)

  • Dec 15, 2023
  • #86

Vibe_Lad said:

I was about to criticize her for wanting to convert to Islam because christians don't let her f*ck dogs, but to my surprise there is absolutely no laws in the Quran about bestial*ty.

Essentially, she can technically be a sinless Muslim while f*cking dogs, the only limitation are laws of a country.

That bitch would be stoned to death so fast.
Categorically haram
Understanding Islam requires reaching outside of the Quran into the hadiths, which are supplementary quotes from various important figures in Islam. It gets a little cloudy and requires some discernment because not all hadith are accepted as real, just like the Council of Nicea cast certain manuscripts out when compiling the modern Bible.
Also, this chick isn't on social media. It's her ex-bf who's been impersonating her, thusly the trollish comments.

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (15)

  • Dec 15, 2023
  • #87

The hadiths also happen to be where some of the worst parts of Islam come from that they deny is a thing because it's not in the Koran, lying by omission in accordance with taqiyya or however you spell it. Ironically enough they use taqiyya to lie about taqiyya to hide it's true meaning by saying it's just to lie to protect themselves but lying to non Muslims is permitted as only Muslims get religious protection unless directly stated otherwise. They can lie to convert you then once converted they slowly ease you into the rest of the bad stuff and let you know after that you can be killed for apostasy so you can't leave or die.

Last edited:

Stop Socking Gaylord

So bright, you can see me from space

SpergCage Resident

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (17)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #88

Crimson f*cker said:

The hadiths also happen to be where some of the worst parts of Islam come from that they deny is a thing because it's not in the Koran,

Yes, those are almost always the weak hadith that are generally considered invalid

Crimson f*cker said:

Ironically enough they use taqiyya to lie about taqiyya

Taqiyya is the ruling that it's permissible to break Islamic law in order to save your life.

Crimson f*cker said:

They can lie to convert you then once converted they slowly ease you into the rest of the bad stuff and let you know after that you can be killed for apostasy so you can't leave or die.

I've heard this before but it's baseless. A man truly living by Islam is a pillar of the community and would be the best neighbor you could ask for. Sadly people equate the actions of Arabs with their religion. It makes as much sense as thinking Christianity is evil because some hillbilly meth heads happen to be wearing crucifixes. In the case of Islam and Christianity most people who claim to be of either religion do very little to live up to the standards of their professed faith.
I'd gladly continue continue this conversation with you but maybe we can move it out of the dog f*cker thread Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (18)

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (20)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #89

Time 4 Guillotines said:

Yes, those are almost always the weak hadith that are generally considered invalid

Taqiyya is the ruling that it's permissible to break Islamic law in order to save your life.

I've heard this before but it's baseless. A man truly living by Islam is a pillar of the community and would be the best neighbor you could ask for. Sadly people equate the actions of Arabs with their religion. It makes as much sense as thinking Christianity is evil because some hillbilly meth heads happen to be wearing crucifixes. In the case of Islam and Christianity most people who claim to be of either religion do very little to live up to the standards of their professed faith.
I'd gladly continue continue this conversation with you but maybe we can move it out of the dog f*cker thread Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (21)

They lie to black people saying Muhammad was black when that is punishable by death, the reason they get away with it is taqiyya. You fell for the old taqiyya misdirection like everyone else. That's what they tell kafirs because they are allowed to lie to non Muslims period full stop. The only restrictions from lying they have is towards other Muslims to stay alive and or keep peace so you also missed the part where they can lie to eachother to not offend them like saying your wife doesn't look fat in the dress when she is a land whale or something. If you say Muhammad is black they can kill you for it because it was stated multiple times that he was pale skinned and owns black slaves. Apostasy is punishable by death and it's openly said by Muslim scholars who don't care what kafirs think and want to spread it by force. Peace in Islam means the world united under Allah. Islam like if mormans studied the art of war. The entire thing was based off older religious stories that were heard because Muhammad was illiterate so couldn't read them himself and was a pedophile warlord.

Stop Socking Gaylord

So bright, you can see me from space

SpergCage Resident

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (23)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #90

Crimson f*cker said:

They lie to black people saying Muhammad was black when that is punishable by death

You're saying 2 billion followers do this? Never seen anyone say that blatantly untrue statement other than Nation of Islam and those people are Hotep tier nigg*r nationalists so I don't count them when discussing actual Islam.
But again, this is a thread about a dog f*cker lol.
Make a thread for this or something if you want to discuss it

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (25)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #91

Time 4 Guillotines said:

You're saying 2 billion followers do this? Never seen anyone say that blatantly untrue statement other than Nation of Islam and those people are Hotep tier nigg*r nationalists so I don't count them when discussing actual Islam.
But again, this is a thread about a dog f*cker lol.
Make a thread for this or something if you want to discuss it

Religion isn't a hive mind so trying to discredit it by making it seem like a grand conspiracy similar to what antisemitic people say about Jews is being dishonest. What I'm saying is Muslims typically use taqiyya to explain to non Muslims what taqiyya is and that went over your head. Taking what they say seriously is like taking what the ccp say seriously so of course they lie for self interest. It's the Muslim world leaders that want world domination and people let it happen because they are naive and forget history.

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (27)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #92

Stop Socking Gaylord

So bright, you can see me from space

SpergCage Resident

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (29)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #93

Crimson f*cker said:

What I'm saying is Muslims typically use taqiyya to explain to non Muslims what taqiyya is and that went over your head.

No, I'm quite aware of what you're saying because these are ancient talking points that were all over the net post 9/11 but it's clearly gone over your head how weird it is to release your inner Fox News boomer about Islam in the dog f*cker thread.
Make a thread to discuss Islam and we can retread this schizo conversation

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (31)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #94

Time 4 Guillotines said:

No, I'm quite aware of what you're saying because these are ancient talking points that were all over the net post 9/11 but it's clearly gone over your head how weird it is to release your inner Fox News boomer about Islam in the dog f*cker thread.
Make a thread to discuss Islam and we can retread this schizo conversation

Something tells me you're probably a Muslim and there is self interest in defending your sh*tty barbaric alt right religion of war. Typical naive millennial.

Stop Socking Gaylord

So bright, you can see me from space

SpergCage Resident

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (33)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #95

Crimson f*cker said:

Something tells me you're probably a Muslim and there is self interest in defending your sh*tty barbaric alt right religion of war. Typical millennial.

Sir, this is a dog f*cker thread

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (35)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #96

Time 4 Guillotines said:

Sir, this is a dog f*cker thread

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (36) ok redditor. Go back to fapping to bestial*ty since you seem so obsessed with dog f*cking. Imagine wanting to get back on topic when the topic is dog f*cking. Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (37)

Stop Socking Gaylord

So bright, you can see me from space

SpergCage Resident

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (39)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #97

Crimson f*cker said:

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (40) ok redditor. Go back to fapping to bestial*ty since you seem so obsessed with dog f*cking. Imagine wanting to get back on topic when the topic is dog f*cking. Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (41)

I already added the comments I had about this thread's topic.
I'm glad to continue this Islam conversation in a more appropriate place but you genuinely need meds if you don't get why it's bizarre and lulzy to want to have a theological debate when the backdrop is beasti*al*ty.
It's dark times when I'm the voice of reason Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (42)

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (44)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #98

Time 4 Guillotines said:

I already added the comments I had about this thread's topic.
I'm glad to continue this Islam conversation in a more appropriate place but you genuinely need meds if you don't get why it's bizarre and lulzy to want to have a theological debate when the backdrop is beasti*al*ty.
It's dark times when I'm the voice of reason Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (45)

Unlike reddit farms this place doesn't really care as much if you go off topic as seen with Ashley in every other thread but hers. If you like reddit style moderation then maybe you should go back. This place doesn't really give a sh*t.

It's about the ethics of staying on topic in a bullsh*tting forum in a topic about dog f*cking.

Stop Socking Gaylord

So bright, you can see me from space

SpergCage Resident

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (47)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #99

Crimson f*cker said:

Unlike reddit farms this place doesn't really care as much if you go off topic as seen with Ashley in every other thread but hers. If you like reddit style moderation then maybe you should go back. This place doesn't really give a sh*t.

You should be embarrassed of yourself for the lack of self awareness.

Crimson f*cker


Hellovan Onion

Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (49)

  • Dec 16, 2023
  • #100

Time 4 Guillotines said:

You should be embarrassed of yourself for the lack of self awareness.

You're one to talk lmao you behave like the average scorned kiwi. No wonder you were banned.

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Ciara Scalia-Hirschman / AKnottyPrincess / KnottyFairy (2024)
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